How can I share files with my team?
In addition to the “Team Folders” area, there are 2 other places you can share important files with your team.
Anytime you are sending a chat message to an individual or a group, you can add files/images/videos.
Pressing the “+” icon will bring up all your options. There are two live camera options meaning you can take a photo or video and share it immediately. This is done by pressing either the “Take photo” or the “Record video” options.
The “+ Add file” gives you the ability to add files from anywhere you have access from your phone, like a drive folder.
Choose your file and a preview window will show up.
Press “UPLOAD”
And, Send! The file will display for your team members. They can view or download to app and save.
Dispatch Messages and Events
You can also add files to calendar events and/or team messages sent via dispatches or swimlanes. You can add these to new posts or to an existing one by going into edit mode of a dispatch.
From the shortcut menu in the lower-right hand corner of your screen, select the action you’d like to take (e.g., “Add News”, “Add an Event”, etc.).
With the post open and available for creation or editing, you will see the same icons above your keyboard. Press the desired icon and attach your image, video or file for sharing.
Add your message and press “SUBMIT”.
All members of your team will receive a notification that a new message is available and they will be able to view the file and your message from their News stream or Calendar.
Users have two options “Open preview” or “Save to device”
From the web
Login to the web client –
Go to the chat area by clicking on the “chat” icon on the left-hand side.
Select the appropriate individual or group.
On the right-hand side of the message field, click the “plus” icon.
This will launch your file explorer where you can navigate to, select, and upload your file(s).
Dispatch Messages and Events
Click the “Post” button in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and select the action you’d like to take (e.g., “Add news”, “Add an event”, etc.).
With the message in “edit” mode, click the “Plus” icon in the upper left-hand corner of the compose window. This will launch your file explorer where you can navigate to, select, and attach your file(s).
Continue composing your message and click “Post” to, well, post the message. 😉