To enable notifications on Apple devices open settings from the home screen and choose DRIVN
Next choose “Notifications
Pick all the notification types you want to enable
Press and hold the DRIVN app icon until the “App Info” dialog appears. (If your team or club has a branded app, you will press and hold the icon for your specific app).
Press “App info”.
Press “Notifications”.
Be certain that the “Show notification” toggle switch is enabled. You will know that it is enabled if you see the “PhoneGap PushPlugin” and “Advanced” options below it.
First, press “PhoneGap PushPlugin”
Next press “Behavior” – Here you can specify what you would like your notifications to be; visual, audible, or both.
Decide how you would like your notifications to behave.
After selecting your preferred behavior, press “Advanced” from the next screen.
This will reveal several more settings that you can customize.
That’s it. You will begin to receive notifications based on the preferences you have selected.