To log in, open the DRIVN app on your phone. (Search App stores for DRIVN3)
Next enter your email address.
A six digit code will be sent to your phone via text and email. You should receive this within seconds. If you are unable to find it in your inbox, check your spam filter. Also, if there was a typo in the email address you entered, this will also cause a problem; check your phone for the text message. (It happens. 😏)
Once you have the six digit code enter it below and press Next. *Note: Do not enter spaces between numbers in the code. Check out a video recording of this process here.
Once you have entered a valid code, you will either land on the welcome page or, if you have previously joined, you will be brought directly to your team space (or ‘org’, as it is sometimes called). Some people like to dive right in and just start looking around. If you’d prefer a brief overview, check this video out.